Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fun with numbers for October 19, 2019

(Yes, yet another tweet-recycling post. When I unfroze the blog the reason was that I was tweetstorming blog posts, so now I'm refactoring ideas from twitter, with — one hopes — improvements.)

Negative [effect on carbon capture]

Via Thunderf00t, who manages to find the occasional bad product gem amongst the many non-bad products he "busts!" by not understanding engineering (or pretending not to), we learn of Negative, a captured-carbon bracelet.*

Enter basic math, illusion exits stage left.

Say Bay Area Bob commutes from San Francisco to Palo Alto (100 mi roundtrip), 5 days/week (500 mi/week) on a 25 MPG car; that's 20 gallons of gasoline burned per week.

Gasoline is a complicated mixture, but let's simplify by treating it as 100% iso-octane (2-2-4-trimethylpentane), C8H18; let's simplify further by assuming perfect stoichiometric burn, so 1 kg of iso-octane generates 3.1 kg of CO2.

Gasoline has a density of 0.7489 kg/l or 2.835 kg/gal; this generates 8.75 kg(CO2)/gal(gasoline), so a weekly commute creates 175 kg of CO2.

Say that bracelet is 25 g of pure carbon. That corresponds to 1/1910th of the carbon in a single one-week commute for Bob. (175 kg of CO2 contain 47.7 kg of carbon.)

I'm sure every Bay Area Bob will be sporting one of these Negative bracelets.

What about other hydrocarbons? Given the small mass differences between alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes, we can take a look at the CO2 per kg(hydrocarbon) with a simple calculation:

Note that the maximum CO2 per kg is when the fuel is pure carbon, at 3.67 kg (CO2)per kg (C). So the approximation above (for Bob) isn't too bad.

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*Another annoying habit of TF is to gloss over the math, usually to the point where his approximations accumulate into nonsensical territory and occasionally even significant technical errors.

Much ado about Ruby Rose's petite physique.

One of the criticisms of Batwoman that might have some merit is that a petite person like Ruby Rose is not credible as an action hero; that a punch from her not-very-muscular arms would not knock out a 250-lb henchman. To which I reply: as opposed to not-exactly-Schwarzenegger Ben Affleck or Christian Bale throwing said 250-lb henchman clear across a parking lot with a single arm? Pah!

This scene, where Batwoman gets shot by a pistol led to some comments on how she would have been thrown in the air, backwards. Because "momentum," say the people who love science but can't do math (or actually bother to learn the science they profess to "love").

The batsuit is bulletproof (has been all along); assuming that it completely distributes the pressure of the impact over the 1/4 square meter of her torso front, there's little effect, as can be seen from the delta speed for the system:

Say Batwoman (Ruby Rose + suit) = 50 kg, bullet (looks like a .45 ACP) is 15g at a muzzle velocity of 250 m/s, so conservation of momentum shows the after-impact speed to be (0.015 * 250)/(50.015) = 0.075 m/s or less than 0.3 km/h, a very small change in velocity to Batwoman that can be easily countered by a braced position.

An alternative way to see the limited effect:

Consider that the bullet is stopped by the suit and loses all its velocity while pushing back 5cm. Assuming constant force, it takes t = 2 s/v = 2 (0.05)/250 = 0.0004 s to stop, for an acceleration of a = v/t = 625000 m/s^2 and a force F = 9375 Newton (almost 975 kgf, but just for 400 microseconds), which spread over 1/4 square meter of her torso is a pressure of 0.38 kgf/cm^2, which is the pressure of a light finger poke (again, for 400 microseconds).

And a tip of the hat to old-style scifi machinery (no labels on buttons or indicators):

Flexagons. Not the hexa ones.

A late entry: more battery nonsense.

Via eevblog, we learn of yet another life-changing momentous innovation by a lone inventor squashed by the Big Industry Conformance Bureau:

I didn't read the article, but from the photo we can see that the '1500-mile battery' volume is about 2 liters, so a little bit of arithmetic ensued:
1500 miles w/ better-than-current vehicles (say 200 Wh/mi): 300 kWh (1.08 GJ)
Volume of battery, from article photo let's say 2 l) so energy density = 504 MJ/l
Current Li-Ion battery energy density ~2.5 MJ/l to  5 MJ/l (experimental)
Home inventor creates something something 100 to 200 times more dense than
current technology (and about 15 times more energy-dense than gasoline)?!

Nope, not credible.

(Note: apparently the photo is deceptive, and the actual "1500 mile battery" is larger, only 9 times more energy-dense than current technology. Which is as non-credible, especially the idea that car manufacturers would be able to stop small electronics makers from adopting a technology that would allow for smaller batteries in laptops and longer times between charge in cell phones. Added Oct 21.)