Thursday, February 27, 2020

Learning and understanding technical material – some thoughts

Learning technical material

From my YouTube subscriptions, the image that inspired all this:

Ah, MIT teaching, where professors get former students who they consult for/with to teach all their classes, while still getting their teaching requirement filled…

(For what it's worth, students probably get better teaching this way, given the average quality of MIT engineering professors' teaching.)

These are not the typical MIT/Stanford/Caltech post-docs or PhD students teaching the classes of their Principal Investigators or Doctoral Advisors. These are business associates of Tom Eagar, who get roped into teaching his class "as an honor." (In other words, for free.)

Note that there is such a thing in academia as "organizing a seminar series," which some professors do (for partial teaching credit), formally different from "teaching a class" (full teaching credit). Doing the former for the credit of the latter… questionable, but sadly common in certain parts of academe.

On the other hand, as most MIT faculty and students will confirm, technical learning is 0.1% lectures, 0.9% reading textbook/notes, 9% working through solved examples, 90% solving problem sets, so all this "who teaches what" is basically a non-issue. (These numbers aren't precise estimates, just an orders-of-magnitude reference used at MIT.)

That's probably the major difference between technical fields and non-technical fields, that all the learning (all the understanding, really) is in the problem-solving. Concepts, principles, and tools only matter inasmuch as they are understood to solve problems.

(Sports analogy: No matter how strong you are, no matter how many books you read and videos you watch about handstand walks, the only way to do handstand walks is to get into a handstand, then "walk" with your hands.)

Which brings us to the next section:

Understanding technical material

There are roughly five levels of understanding technical material, counting 'no knowledge or understanding at all' as a level; the other four are illustrated in the following picture:

The most basic knowledge is that the phenomenon exists, perhaps with some general idea of its application. We'll be using gravity as the example, so the lowest level of understanding is just knowing that things under gravity, well, fall.

This might seem prosaic, but in some technical fields one meets people whose knowledge of the technical material in the field is limited to knowing the words but not their meaning; sometimes these people can bluff their way into significant positions simply by using a barrage of jargon on unsuspecting victims, but generally can be discovered easily by anyone with deeper understanding of the material.

A second rough level of knowlege and understanding is a conceptual or qualitative understanding of a field; this is the type of understanding one gets from reading well-written and correct mass-market non-fiction. In other words, an amateur's level of understanding, which is fine for amateurs.

In the case of gravity this would include things like knowing that the gravity is different on different planets, that there's some relationship with the mass of the planet, and that on a given planet objects of different masses fall at the same rate (with some caveats regarding friction and fluid displacement forces).

The big divide is between this qualitative level of understanding (which in technical fields is for amateurs, though it's also the level some professionals decay to by not keeping up with the field and not keeping their learned skills sharp) and the level at which a person can operationalize the knowledge to solve problems.

Operational understanding means that we can solve problems using the material. For example, we can use the formula $d= 1/2 \, g \, t^2$ to determine that a ball bearing falling freely will drop 4.9 m in the first second. We can also compute the equivalent result for the Moon, using $g_{\mathrm{Moon}} = g/6$, so on the Moon the ball bearing would only fall 82 cm in the first second.

This level of understanding is what technical training (classes, textbooks, problem sets, etc) is for. It's possible to learn by self-study, of course, since that's a component of all learning (textbooks were the original MOOCs), but the only way to have real operational understanding is to solve problems.

There's a level of understanding beyond operational, typically reserved for people who work in research and development, or the people moving the concepts, principles, and tools of the field forward. Since that kind of research and development needs a good understanding of the foundations of (and causality within) the field, I chose to call it deep understanding, but one might also call it causal understanding. Such an understanding of gravity would come from doing research and reading and publishing research papers in Physics, rather than applying physics to solve, say, engineering problems.

An example: Sergei Krikalev, the time-traveling cosmonaut

The difference between qualitative understanding and operational understanding can be clarified with how each level processes the following tweet:

More precise data can be obtained from the linked article and that's what we'll use below.*

Qualitative understanding: Special Relativity says that when people are moving their time passes slower than that of people who are stationary; the 0.02 seconds in the tweet come from the ISS moving around the Earth very fast.

(There's a lot of issues with that explanation; for example: from the viewpoint of Krikalev the Earth was moving while he was stationary, so why is Krikalev, instead of the Earth, in the future? Viascience explains this apparent paradox here.)

Operational understanding: time dilation relative to a reference frame created by being in a moving frame with speed $v$ is given by $\gamma(v) = (1 - (v/c)^2)^{-1/2}$. The ISS moves at approximately 7700 m/s, so that dilation is $\gamma(7700) = 1.00000000032939$. When we apply this dilation to the total time spent by Krikalev at the ISS (803 days, 9 hours, and 39 minutes = 69,413,940 s) we get that an additional 0.0228642576966 seconds passed on Earth during that time.

Because we have operational understanding of time dilation, we could ask how much in the future Krikalev would have traveled at faster speeds (not on the ISS, since its orbit determines its speed). We can see that if Krikalev had moved at twice the ISS speed, he'd have been 0.0914570307864 seconds younger. At ten times the speed, 2.2864181341266 seconds younger. And at 10,000 times the speed – over 25% of the speed of light – almost 28 days younger.

As a curiosity, we can use that $\gamma(7700)$ to compute kinetic energy, $E_k(v) = (\gamma(v)-1) \, mc^2$, or more precisely, since we don't have the mass, the specific energy, $E_k(v)/m = (\gamma(v)-1) \, c^2$. At its speed of 7.7 km/s the ISS and its contents have the specific energy of ethanol (30 MJ/kg) or seven times that of an equivalent mass of TNT.

To say that one understands technical material without being able to solve problems with that same understanding is like saying one knows French without being able to speak, read, write, or understand  French speech or text. Sacré Bleu!

The application is what counts.

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* The article also refers to the effect of gravity, noting that it's too low to make any difference (Earth gravity at the ISS average altitude of ~400 km is 89% of surface gravity; both are too small for the General Relativity effect of gravity slowing down time to be of any impact on Krikalev, or for that matter anyone on Earth).